A mother - daughter team, sharing their passion.

We are a mother-daughter team dedicated to the improvement and preservation of the Yorkshire Terrier breed as a wonderful and healthy toy dog. We were both born with a great fondness for all creatures, but a special sweet spot for dogs. Over the years our paths lead us both to Yorkies and neither one of us have been the same since. We are working together to build a line of Yorkies that we can both be very proud of. We are truly blessed to have each other to lean on and learn from.

Meet Jackie
Laura's daughter, Jackie grew up with her mom's influence and love of animals. She was taught to love, care for and to respect them. Jackie's passion for animals lead her to become a veterinarian. She grew up loving the larger dog breeds, that is until she met...Rosie her family's first Yorkshire Terrier, who taught her a thing or two about size.
She fell madly in love with the Yorkies and knew that she wanted to breed and show Yorkies for a long time to come. After buying her first show potential puppy in May 2005 and started showing later that year she too was hooked. Jackie shares Laura's vision of excellence and they are both working hard towards their goals. Both love and respect the Yorkshire Terrier breed with all our hearts and aim to make a positive difference in the breed.
Meet Laura
Laura was a professional dog groomer for over 25 years! She now spends her days with her granddaughters, her husband and her Yorkies. In her free time she enjoys sewing things for her family, friends and Yorkies! She fell in love with the Yorkshire Terrier breed more than 20 years ago with her first pet Yorkie, Rosie. Although Rosie is no longer with us she was the epitome of character and devotion for the breed. Rosie made both, Laura and Jackie, fall head over heels in love with the breed. Laura's heart belongs to her Yorkies and she takes great strides to make sure her Yorkie kids are happy and well loved.
Laura has long dreamed of developing a show line of Yorkies, wanting to show dogs since she was 12. Her show career started in 2005 when she and Quaker entered the ring for the first time...winning their first point and Best of Breed they were hooked.